About Us

The Diplomat Times provides expert coverage on:

Diplomat Times is a news and analysis site based in India and USA that is focused on Diplomatic, International relations News. Bringing together in one place all of the most important events and trends in the region from a wide range of existing news sites, as well as providing fresh, original and exclusive reporting, polls, interviews and analysis. setting a new standard for quality journalism in the India and world. 

Diplomat Times  is committed to serving the local India community while delivering a strong international perspective.

With a bureau in USA and correspondents in key cities worldwide, Diplomat Times has developed a reputation for providing in-depth coverage and a window into the region.

Diplomat Times has been extensively awarded for its design, reporting, photography, and video work, while its indisputable reputation for excellence appeals to business leaders and decision makers.

Publishing across all digital platforms – reaching millions of people each month – Diplomat Times harnesses the latest multimedia tools while continuing to produce a print edition in a month.

The Diplomat Times provides expert coverage on:
• Geo-political trends throughout the Asia-Pacific
• Defense and intelligence
• Environment, human security and development
• Arts, social trends and popular culture

Diplomat times’ global network spans 10 countries and two continents. Readers can find us in print, online, mobile, video, and social media. We are also the hosts of the futuristic global series of events called the SDG World in 2030. We hosted the first one in 2021 to explore the Future of Diplomacy. Since then, we’ve tackled several megatrends in food security, jobs, education, Peace & Human rights, philanthropy, healthcare, cities, and more.


Our number one goal is to always be accessible no matter where our readers are and their means of accessing content. We publish articles, blogs, and videos on a daily basis across multiple platforms. And we make it a point to only publish original content.

With a network of readers and contributors from around the world, we cater to a global audience. Our home page won’t feature issues only dear to India and America but many other capitals around the world. Our team of over 25 contributors around the world reports the stories behind the news from the ground.

Our Reach

The Diplomat Times is one of the most influential news platforms in the Asia and USA. With a small but dedicated team, we succeed in having an impact. Our reporting has made sure that issues were put on the International agenda, that ordinary people from Asia and beyond have been heard in New Delhi , and even forced officials to resign because they did not live up to the moral standards the world should have.

Our Principles

Diplomat Times is the only independent news media covering international affairs in india and beyond. We are not funded by the Government bodies. We generate our own income from membership, group subscriptions and advertising.

We also receive institutional grant support from the International Peace Corps Association, International Human Rights Defenders Forum, and the World Environment Council .

We pledge never to take any financial support from the tobacco industry, the defense industry, nor from any entity, private or public, that does not respect the full independence of our journalism.

Therefore, the support from our readers through membership and group subscriptions is essential.


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Company Outline

Company name Diplomat Times International Co. LTD
Head office/ Branch office India/USA/Bangkok
Mobile NA
Founded 2020
Chairperson & Publisher Mr. Shasi Kumar, Prof. Dr. Sang Wong Park, Jarawee Kitirong
Director of Sales & Circulation Sales Department Manager Rupinder Kaur
Director In charge of Digital Management and General Manager of Digital Promotion Division of the Sales Department Mr. Roshan Bilung
Capital NA
Staff App. 15 (as of end-May 2022)
Publications Diplomat Times
Magazine/ Online in English