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Antigua and Barbuda and the United Arab Emirates Diplomats meets for Strengthen Bilateral ties and Climate Commitment

Antigua and Barbuda and the United Arab Emirates Diplomats meets for Strengthen Bilateral ties and Climate Commitment

Paris (DT) – In a notable high-level meeting held during the 42nd session of the General Conference of UNESCO, the Minister of Education, Sports, and Creative Industries of Antigua and Barbuda, Hon. Daryll S. MATTHEW, engaged in a productive dialogue with the Minister of Culture and Youth of the United Arab Emirates, His Excellency Salem bin Khalid Al Qassimi.

This diplomatic encounter provided an invaluable opportunity to reinforce the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation that exist between the two nations. Both ministers emphasized the shared commitment to international collaboration and underscored their nations’ dedication to global causes.
His Excellency Sheikh Salem bin Khalid Al Qassimi expressed heartfelt gratitude to Antigua and Barbuda for their unwavering support during the previous COP (Conference of the Parties) and their forthcoming participation in COP28, which is scheduled to be hosted in Dubai.

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The Honorable Minister Daryll S. Matthew reciprocated by congratulating the United Arab Emirates for its relentless efforts in combatting climate change and for championing UNESCO’s inclusion in the COP agenda.
Furthermore, Minister Matthew reiterated the steadfast commitment of Antigua and Barbuda to assisting the success of COP28, offering reassurance that the UAE can rely on their full support to ensure the conference’s triumph.
His Excellency Sheikh Salem bin Khalid Al Qassimi, in turn, expressed his nation’s unwavering dedication to preserving natural heritage sites under UNESCO’s guardianship, aligning with one of the key priorities articulated by Minister Daryll Matthew in his policy speech. In a symbolic gesture of cultural exchange, His Excellency Sheikh Salem bin Khalid Al Qassimi extended an official invitation to Minister Daryll S. Matthew to attend the upcoming UNESCO World Conference on Culture and Arts Education taking place in Abu Dhabi in February 2024.

Hon. Minister Daryll Matthew warmly accepted the invitation, expressing his sincere gratitude and his intent to attend along with His Excellency Ambassador Boris Latour, Permanent Delegate of Antigua and Barbuda to UNESCO.

The ministers also engaged in a fruitful discussion regarding the interplay between education, emerging technologies, culture, and sports in shaping the future of youth. Recognizing the significance of these interconnected domains, they explored ways to harness their combined potential for the betterment of younger
generations and the advancement of global society.

This bilateral meeting was a testament to the enduring camaraderie between Antigua and Barbuda and the United
Arab Emirates and their shared commitment to address global challenges and promote cultural exchange.

About Antigua and Barbuda IslandΒ 

Antigua and Barbuda is a small island developing state (SIDS) in the Caribbean Sea with a population of 97,928 (2020). The country’s economy is heavily dependent on natural resources. Its low-lying coastal zones and favorable climate conditions, support the tourism sector, which accounts for about 80% of output gross domestic product (GDP), about 70% of direct and indirect employment and 85% of foreign exchange earnings. Antigua and Barbuda is exposed economically, environmentally and socially to projected climate change impacts. Analysis of climate change for the island also projects accelerated coastal erosion and inundation, lower average annual rainfall, increased rainfall intensity causing flooding and a likely increase in tropical storm intensity.

Complementing the Sustainable Island Resource Management and Zoning Plan (SIRMZP), the adaptation targets presented in this first Nationally Determined Contribution (2016) are incremental efforts to the national physical development plan as the targets elevate ambition beyond development, to build resilience through adaptation interventions in preparation for projected climate impacts. Adaptation in the water sector is of national priority. Desalination reliance has already grown to account for 60% of national water supply, and this is the most viable option for enhancing freshwater resources.

About Antigua and Barbuda’s Environment DepartmentΒ 

The Department of Environment (DOE) under the Ministry of Health and the Environment of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda is a national entity and government agency whose core mandate is to perform its functions for sustainable environmental protection and management in Antigua and Barbuda, including the implementation of various multilateral agreements on environment and climate change.

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