होमEventsThe 2023 World Peace International Taekwondo Championships held in New York

The 2023 World Peace International Taekwondo Championships held in New York

The 2023 World Peace International Taekwondo Championships held in New York

Diplomat Times (New York)- The 2023 World Peace International Taekwondo Championships held in New York, USA on April 1, 2023.

It was organized by the International Culture Athletic Promotion under the leadership of Prof. Kyung Bai An with the International Peace Corps Association.

ICAP which organizes it every year so that mutual brotherhood can be established through sports, says the founder of the organization, this time we have celebrated it with the participation of International Peace Corps Association. He told our reporter on the phone call that we want to establish brotherhood and peace through sports.

The purpose of this is to play a role so that physical fitness and multinational culture can be combined through competition. In addition, we collect funds every year to help the children in the world with love.

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The three organizations listed below (ICAPA, IPC & DT) has promised that they will raise funds each year to help serve the objectives mentioned.

Individuals or organizations who can volunteer and donate together can contact us by e-mail or phone number. For those who participate in volunteering, we recommend the opportunity to win the American President’s Volunteer Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award. If anyone want to help through money Prof Kyung said each donation received is 100% tax-deductible.

Professor Kyung Bai An with participants. Photo : DT