होमAsiaAmerica International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia,...

America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia, discussed about education

America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia, discussed about education

Diplomat Times (Kuala Lumpur)- America International University Chancellor Dr Park Met with Guinea Ambassador in Malaysia today.

America International University is registered in California with education department. Talking to our correspondent, AIU Chancellor Dr. Sang Wan Park said that AIU has been working in the field of education in America and Asia for a long time, and now we want to expand it to Africa, where education is very important. African students are dependent on other countries to get higher education.

Speaking on the occasion, Oumar Conde, Acting Ambassador of the Embassy of Guinea to Malaysia said that many people come with investment plans but Africa needs a lot of education. Come forward so that people can get education and they can get employment in the country and abroad.

He further said that Guinea welcomes all those who want to invest in our country for education, so that we can give proper and high quality education to our people.

On this occasion, Director of MWorldWide Holdings, Ms. Marietta Reformado, Journalist of Diplomat Times in Malaysia, Andy Sengiah, Professor Ganesh Channa, Professor Jaya Pragasam and Shashi Kumar, Founder of Diplomat Times were specially present.

Education in Equality Guinea 

The government of Guinea faces challenges to improve the financial and institutional capacities of its education system to achieve sustainable goals in terms of school coverage, enrollment, quality and equity.

These challenges include the low primary completion rate, inequalities between girls and boys, poor learning outcomes, lack of trained teachers, and high repetition and dropout rates.

The education sector plan covering the 2020-2029 period defines six priority programs:

1.Equitable access to general education.
2.Quality and relevance of teaching.
3.Adult literacy and education.
4.Extension and reform of technical education and vocational training.
5.Reform of higher education and scientific research.
6.Governance and management of the education system.
7.Guinea intends to ensure equitable access to basic education for all children, including children with special needs.

READ MORE : Children in Africa five times less likely to learn basics: UN Report

The gender gap in net primary school enrolment rates increases with the age of students. In the 10-11 age group, 25.7 per cent of girls are out-of-school, against 17.5 per cent for boys. Girls are more likely to drop out of school due to early pregnancy or marriage.

In the academic year 2016-2017, 92 teaching days (46 per cent) were lost to strike. The new academic year of 2018/2019 began again with teacher strikes. 46 school days (out of a potential 60 days) have been lost in the first trimester of the academic year which have a negative impact on children’s education and contribute to high proportion of children out-of-school and poor learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the schooling system faces critical challenges to ensure secondary education for children aged 12, meaning that many of them will have to move to urban areas to complete secondary school.

Several factors contribute to extreme poverty in Guinea. Guinea has made it a priority to address the major factors that add to this plight, one of which is education. With a population of around 10 million and a literacy rate of around 30 percent for young males and females, Guinea’s Strategic Poverty Reduction Document includes education as an important factor in helping to reduce overall poverty in the country.

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Guinea has received help from a few different nonprofits in order to develop strategies to meet these goals.

UNICEF is working to resolve the lack of investment in education that Guinea experiences. Classrooms have begun to overcrowd recently, partially due to refugee influxes, making it difficult for students to get the time and attention they need to succeed.

Investments in additional classrooms and training staff are a part of UNICEF’s plan to alleviate this pressure, as well as adding new teaching styles to cater to the uniqueness of pupils.

Through UNICEF, the Global Partnership for Education is chipping away at specific goals to target the main issues surrounding education in Guinea.

The partnership has set priorities of making education more universal and available, making improvements in quality and training and strengthening government to make investments in their people’s education and support reforms. Via: UNICEF REPORT