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Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction overturned by NY appeals court

Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction overturned by NY appeals court

New York, USA (AP) — New York’s highest court on Thursday overturned Harvey Weinstein ’s 2020 rape conviction, reversing a landmark ruling of the #MeToo era. The court found the trial judge had improperly allowed testimony against the ex-movie mogul based on allegations that weren’t part of the case.

Weinstein, 72, will remain in prison because he was convicted in Los Angeles in 2022 of another rape. But the New York ruling reopens a painful chapter in America’s reckoning with sexual misconduct by powerful figures — an era that began in 2017 with a flood of allegations against Weinstein.

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While Thursday’s ruling was a blow to #MeToo advocates, they noted it was based on legal technicalities and not an exoneration of Weinstein’s behavior, saying the original trial irrevocably moved the cultural needle on attitudes about sexual assault.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office said it intends to retry Weinstein, and his accusers could again be forced to retell their stories on the witness stand.

The state Court of Appeals overturned Weinstein’s 23-year sentence in a 4-3 decision, finding that “the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts.” The court’s majority called this “an abuse of judicial discretion.”

In a stinging dissent, Judge Madeline Singas wrote that the Court of Appeals was continuing a “disturbing trend of overturning juries’ guilty verdicts in cases involving sexual violence.”

The reversal of Weinstein’s conviction is the second major #MeToo setback in the last two years. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of a Pennsylvania court decision to throw out Bill Cosby’s sexual assault conviction.

Weinstein has been in a New York prison since his conviction for criminal sex acts, including forcibly performing oral sex on a TV and film production assistant in 2006, and rape in the third degree for an attack on an aspiring actress in 2013. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison in the Los Angeles case.

Weinstein lawyer Arthur Aidala called the Court of Appeals ruling “a tremendous victory for every criminal defendant in the state of New York.”

Attorney Douglas H. Wigdor, who has represented eight Harvey Weinstein accusers including two witnesses at the New York criminal trial, called the ruling “a major step back.”

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FILE – Harvey Weinstein arrives at a Manhattan courthouse for jury deliberations in his rape trial, Monday, Feb. 24, 2020, in New York. New York’s highest court has overturned Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction and ordered a new trial. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

“Courts routinely admit evidence of other uncharged acts where they assist juries in understanding issues concerning the intent, modus operandi or scheme of the defendant. The jury was instructed on the relevance of this testimony and overturning the verdict is tragic in that it will require the victims to endure yet another trial,” Wigdor said in a statement.

Debra Katz, the prominent civil rights and #MeToo attorney who represented several Weinstein accusers, said her clients are “feeling gutted” by the ruling, but that she believed – and was telling them – that their testimony had changed the world.

“People continue to come forward, people continue to support other victims who’ve reported sexual assault and violence, and I truly believe there’s no going back from that,” Katz said. She predicted Weinstein would be convicted again at a retrial, and said accusers feel great comfort knowing Weinstein will remain behind bars.

Weinstein’s conviction in 2020 was heralded by activists and advocates as a milestone achievement, but dissected just as quickly by his lawyers and, later, the Court of Appeals when it heard arguments on the matter in February.

Allegations against Weinstein, the once powerful and feared studio boss behind such Oscar winners as “Pulp Fiction” and “Shakespeare in Love,” ushered in the #MeToo movement.

Dozens of women came forward to accuse Weinstein, including famous actresses such as Ashley Judd and Uma Thurman. His New York trial drew intense publicity, with protesters chanting “rapist” outside the courthouse.

Weinstein, who is incarcerated at the Mohawk Correctional Facility, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) northwest of Albany, maintains his innocence. He contends any sexual activity was consensual.

Aidala argued before the appeals court in February that Burke swayed the trial by allowing three women to testify about allegations that weren’t part of the case and by giving prosecutors permission to confront Weinstein, if he had testified, about his long history of brutish behavior.

Aidala argued the extra testimony went beyond the normally allowable details about motive, opportunity, intent or a common scheme or plan, and essentially put Weinstein on trial for crimes he wasn’t charged with.

Weinstein wanted to testify but opted not to because Burke’s ruling would’ve meant answering questions about more than two-dozen alleged acts of misbehavior dating back four decades, Aidala said. They included fighting with his movie producer brother, flipping over a table in anger and snapping at waiters, and yelling at his assistants.

A lawyer for the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which prosecuted the case, argued that the judge‘s rulings were proper and the extra evidence and testimony he allowed was important to provide jurors context about Weinstein’s behavior and the way he interacted with women.

Appellate Chief Steven Wu said Weinstein’s acquittal on the most serious charges — two counts of predatory sexual assault and a first-degree rape charge involving actor Annabella Sciorra’s allegations of a mid-1990s rape — showed jurors were paying attention and they were not confused or overwhelmed by the additional testimony.

The Associated Press does not generally identify people alleging sexual assault unless they consent to be named; Sciorra has spoken publicly about her allegations.

The Court of Appeals agreed last year to take Weinstein’s case after an intermediate appeals court upheld his conviction. Prior to their ruling, judges on the lower appellate court had raised doubts about Burke’s conduct during oral arguments. One observed that Burke had let prosecutors pile on with “incredibly prejudicial testimony” from additional witnesses.

Burke’s term expired at the end of 2022. He was not reappointed and is no longer a judge.

In appealing, Weinstein’s lawyers sought a new trial, but only for the criminal sexual act charge. They argued the rape charge could not be retried because it involves alleged conduct outside the statute of limitations.

Associated Press writer Dave Collins reported from Hartford, Connecticut. AP writers Jocelyn Noveck and Larry Neumeister in New York also contributed to this story.

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Blinken raises Chinese trade practices in meetings with officials in the financial hub of Shanghai


Blinken raises Chinese trade practices in meetings with officials in the financial hub of Shanghai

Shanghai, CHINA (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken raised what the U.S. describes as unfair Chinese trade practices during his first full day of meetings in China on Thursday with local government officials in the financial hub of Shanghai.

Blinken met with the city’s top official, Communist Party Secretary Chen Jining, and “raised concerns about (Chinese) trade policies and non-market economic practices,” the State Department said in a statement.

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It said he stressed that the United States seeks healthy economic competition with China and “a level playing field for U.S. workers and firms operating in China.”

“The two sides reaffirmed the importance of ties between the people of the United States and (China), including the expansion of exchanges between students, scholars, and business,” it said.

China’s multibillion-dollar trade surplus with the U.S. along with accusations of intellectual property theft and other practices seen as discriminating against U.S. businesses in China have long been a source of friction in relations.

China, for its part, has objected strongly to U.S. accusations of human rights abuses and Washington’s support for Taiwan, the self-governing island that Beijing considers its own territory and warns could be annexed by force.

Asked about Blinken’s comments, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said China has “always conducted economic and trade cooperation in accordance with market principles, firmly supported the multilateral trading system, and fully complied with the rules of the World Trade Organization.”

“We hope the U.S. will also earnestly respect the principle of fair competition, abide by the WTO rules, and work with China to create favorable conditions for the sound and stable development of China-U.S. economic and trade relations,” Wang told reporters at a daily briefing.

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U.S.Secretary of State Antony Blinken left, talks with Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining at the Grnad Halls, Thursday, April 25, 2024, in Shanghai, China. Photo : Mark Schiefelbein/AP

Blinken also spoke with students and business leaders before flying to Beijing for what are expected to be contentious talks with national officials, including Foreign Minister Wang Yi and possibly President Xi Jinping.

Blinken arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday shortly before U.S. President Joe Biden signed a $95 billion foreign aid package that has several elements likely to anger Beijing, including $8 billion to counter China’s growing aggressiveness toward Taiwan and in the South China Sea. It also seeks to force TikTok’s China-based parent company to sell the social media platform.

China has railed against U.S. assistance to Taiwan and immediately condemned the aid as a dangerous provocation. It also strongly opposes efforts to force TikTok’s sale.

Still, the fact that Blinken made the trip — shortly after a conversation between Biden and Xi, a visit to China by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and a call between the U.S. and Chinese defense chiefs — is a sign the two sides are at least willing to discuss their differences.

“I think it’s important to underscore the value — in fact, the necessity — of direct engagement, of speaking to each other, laying out our differences, which are real, seeking to work through them,” Blinken told Chen, according to the State Department statement.

“We have an obligation for our people, indeed an obligation to the world, to manage the relationship between our two countries responsibly,” he said. “That is the obligation we have, and one that we take very seriously.”

Chen agreed with that sentiment and said the recent Biden-Xi call had helped the “stable and healthy development of our two countries’ relationship.”

“Whether we choose cooperation or confrontation affects the well-being of both peoples, both countries, and the future of humanity,” he said.

Chen added that he hoped Blinken was able to get a “deep impression and understanding” of Shanghai, a city of skyscrapers, ports and more than 25 million people that is a magnet for commercially ambitious young people from China and abroad.

Most recently, the U.S. has raised concerns that potential overcapacity in Chinese industries — such as electric vehicles, steel and solar panels — might crowd out U.S. and other foreign manufacturers.

“We have an obligation for our people, indeed an obligation to the world, to manage the relationship between our two countries responsibly,” he said. “That is the obligation we have, and one that we take very seriously.”

Chen agreed with that sentiment and said the recent Biden-Xi call had helped the “stable and healthy development of our two countries’ relationship.”

“Whether we choose cooperation or confrontation affects the well-being of both peoples, both countries, and the future of humanity,” he said.

Chen added that he hoped Blinken was able to get a “deep impression and understanding” of Shanghai, a city of skyscrapers, ports and more than 25 million people that is a magnet for commercially ambitious young people from China and abroad.

Most recently, the U.S. has raised concerns that potential overcapacity in Chinese industries — such as electric vehicles, steel and solar panels — might crowd out U.S. and other foreign manufacturers.

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3 sons and 2 grandchildren of the Hamas chief, Ismail Haniyeh were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a car

3 sons and 2 grandchildren of the Hamas chief, Ismail Haniyeh were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a car

Cairo, EGYPT (Reuters) – Three sons of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, the Palestinian Islamist group and Haniyeh’s family said.

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The car belonging to Ismail Haniyeh’s son, the Hamas chief, has been completely destroyed by an airstrike from Israel. Photo : ALJAZEERA VIDEO SC

The Israeli military confirmed carrying out the attack, describing the three sons as operatives in the Hamas armed wing.

Haniyeh, based abroad in Qatar, has been the tough-talking face of Hamas’ international diplomacy as war with Israel has raged on in Gaza, where his family home was destroyed in an Israeli airstrike back in November.

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The three sons – Hazem, Amir and Mohammad – were killed after the car they were driving in was bombed in Gaza’s Al-Shati camp, Hamas said. Three of Haniyeh’s grandchildren were also killed in the attack and a third was wounded, Hamas media said.

The Israeli military statement did not comment on any other casualties in the airstrike.
“The blood of my sons is not dearer than the blood of our people,” Haniyeh, 61, who has 13 sons and daughters according to Hamas sources, told pan-Arab Al Jazeera TV.

The three sons and three grandchildren were making family visits during the first day of the Muslim Eid al-Fitr holiday in Shati, their home refugee camp in Gaza City, according to relatives.

Hamas said on Tuesday it was studying an Israeli ceasefire proposal in the more than six-month-old Gaza war but that it was “intransigent” and met none of the Palestinian demands.

“Our demands are clear and specific and we will not make concessions on them. The enemy will be delusional if it thinks that targeting my sons, at the climax of the negotiations and before the movement sends its response, will push Hamas to change its position,” Haniyeh said.

In the seventh month of a war in which Israel’s air and ground offensive has devastated Gaza, Hamas wants an end to Israeli military operations and a withdrawal from the enclave, and permission for displaced Palestinians to return home.

Haniyeh’s eldest son confirmed in a Facebook post that his three brothers were killed. “Thanks to God who honoured us by the martyrdom of my brothers, Hazem, Amir and Mohammad and their children,” wrote Abdel-Salam Haniyeh.

Appointed to the militant group’s top job in 2017, Haniyeh has moved between Turkey and Qatar’s capital Doha, avoiding Israeli-imposed travel restrictions in blockaded Gaza and enabling him to act as a negotiator in the latest ceasefire negotiations or communicate with Hamas’ main ally Iran.

Israel regards the entire Hamas leadership as terrorists, accusing Haniyeh and other leaders of continuing to “pull the strings of the Hamas terror organisation”.

But how much Haniyeh knew about the Oct. 7 cross-border attack on Israel by Gaza-based militants beforehand is not clear. The attack plan, drawn up by the Hamas military council in Gaza, was such a closely guarded secret that some Hamas officials abroad seemed shocked by its timing and scale.

Reporting by Nidal Al-Mughrabi and Hatem Maher; Editing by Alex Richardson, Mark Heinrich, William Maclean

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Venezuela Arrests Ex- Minister Tareck El Aissami And Simon Zerpa in PDVSA corruption case

Venezuela Arrests Ex- Minister Tareck El Aissami And Simon Zerpa in PDVSA corruption case

Caracas, VENEZUELA (AP/REUTERS) — Venezuela’s once-powerful oil minister, who resigned unexpectedly last year during a corruption probe at the top ranks of the state-run crude industry, has been arrested, the government said Tuesday. The former oil czar is being investigated over an alleged scheme through which hundreds of millions of dollars in oil proceeds seemingly disappeared.

The Ministry of Communications released images of Tareck El Aissami being handcuffed and walking down a hallway, flanked by officers. Attorney General Tarek William Saab told reporters that El Aissami will make his first court appearance on Tuesday on charges that include treason, money laundering and criminal association.

Former finance minister Simon Zerpa and businessman Sarmark Lopez have also been detained, Attorney General Tarek Saab said at a press conference.
El Aissami surprisingly resigned in March 2023 amid a wide anti-corruption probe ordered by Maduro, which has been mainly focused on wrongdoing at PDVSA. El Aissami has not spoken publicly for more than a year.

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Saab did not say when El Aissami was arrested.

The oil minister resigned a few days before senior officials in the government of President Nicolás Maduro and business leaders were arrested in March 2023 as part of an investigation into the corruption scheme that was based on international oil sales. El Aissami disappeared from public life after the arrests and his whereabouts were frequently questioned.

Former finance minister Simon Zerpa and businessman Sarmark Lopez have also been detained, Attorney General Tarek Saab said at a press conference.
El Aissami surprisingly resigned in March 2023 amid a wide anti-corruption probe ordered by Maduro, which has been mainly focused on wrongdoing at PDVSA. El Aissami has not spoken publicly for more than a year.

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FILE : Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez waves to the audience alongside his interior Minister Tareck El Aissami at the launching ceremony of the new Bolivarian National Police force in Caracas, Venezuela, Dec. 04, 2009. Photo : Fernando Llano/AP

El Aissami and his allies used U.S. sanctions as an excuse to directly manage shipments of crude, Saab added, and therefore avoided passing funds through the country’s central bank, also allowing them to speculate on Venezuela’s currency market.
Through the end of 2022, PDVSA accumulated tens of billions of dollars in commercial accounts receivable tied to dozens of little-known middlemen companies, which replaced big-name customers barred by U.S. sanctions.

Saab last year said the oversight agency allegedly signed contracts for the loading of crude on ships “without any type of administrative control or guarantees,” violating legal regulations. He said that once the oil was marketed, “the corresponding payments were not made” to the state oil company.

Saab on Tuesday called El Aissami a “master” of corruption who “thought he would never be arrested.” The attorney general added that five people previously arrested as part of the investigation had received death threats while in jail — after they agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

The government has not said exactly how much money the state lost as a result of the shadowy transactions. But internal PDVSA documents obtained by The Associated Press last year show the state oil company was owed $10.1 billion as of August 2022 from 90 mostly unknown trading companies that emerged as major buyers of Venezuelan crude since the U.S. imposed economic sanctions in a campaign to oust Maduro.

An additional $13.3 billion, corresponding to 241 shipments, was owed directly to the government as a result of an accounting maneuver by PDVSA that reassigned responsibility for collecting the unpaid invoices directly to the Maduro administration in lieu of cash royalties.

All the oil cargo was sold on consignment at a deep discount owing to the sanctions, which have scared away more established traders. To avoid Western banks, Venezuela started accepting payments in Russian rubles, bartered goods or cryptocurrency, but not everyone paid.

Garcia Cano reported from Mexico City.

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A fire in a 16-story Hong Kong residential building kills at least 5 people and injures dozens


A fire in a 16-story Hong Kong residential building kills at least 5 people and injures dozens

HONG KONG (AP) — A fire in a large, mostly residential building in Hong Kong on Wednesday morning killed at least five people and left another 36 injured.

Some 250 residents were rescued from the New Lucky House in Hong Kong’s Jordan neighborhood and the fire was extinguished.

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Onlookers stand near a building called New Lucky House where a fire started in Hong Kong, Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Photo : Louise Delmotte/AP

The fire services department said that the fire began on the first and second floors of the 16-story building, where a gym and licensed guest rooms were located. More investigation was needed into the cause of the fire, officials said.

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The five who died were apparently trying to escape the building.

The New Lucky House has 200 units and was built in 1964.

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive John Lee expressed his condolences to victims’ families and said that the relevant departments were instructed to provide assistance to all those affected by the fire.

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Playful ‘takjil war’ showcases tolerance in Indonesia during Ramadan


Playful ‘takjil war’ showcases tolerance in Indonesia during Ramadan

Jakarta, INDONESIA (ABC/DT) – This Ramadan felt different for Kusmanadi, who opens a stall each year in Jakarta to sell grilled chicken snacks to those breaking their fast during the holy month.

It wasn’t just Muslims who were interested in his offerings.

“This year the crowd is bigger and more diverse,” Kusmanadi, who only has one name, told the ABC.

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“And the non-Muslims are also hunting for takjil.”

That hunt grew on social media, and became part of what ended up being known as the “takjil war”.

Don’t worry — there’s no violence or weapons in this conflict.

Takjil has become popular with people across Indonesia, not just those breaking their fast during Ramadan.(Supplied)

Instead it’s a playful competition for the coveted snacks, between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Takjil is a term used by Muslims for food that breaks their fast during Ramadan.

Each country has its own typical takjil, but in Indonesia they are mostly traditional snacks and foods such as kolak (coconut milk compote), agar-agar (jelly), kurma (dates), onde-onde (mung bean sesame balls) and klepon (pandan glutinous rice balls filled with palm sugar).

“So even though it’s Ramadan at the moment and the ones fasting are Muslims, the non-Muslims are also hunting,” Kusmanadi said.

“Even the non-Muslims, they also waited and got ready as they were excited about takjil war.”

Kusmanadi, a Muslim, said the trend had boosted his sales.

“I’m … also happy that non-Muslims are participating,” he said.

“I think this is a good thing. It’s very Indonesian.”

Videos depicting the trend have circulated on social media showing both Muslims and non-Muslims queuing up for traditional snacks.

Parody content of non-Muslims wearing Muslim attire and sellers quizzing them about the foundational six pillars of Islam have also emerged.

Social media content makers Jeanne Natalie Putri and Yoren, who only has one name, posted about hunting for takjil for the first time this year.

It led to a flood of positive responses.

“And they [the followers] were happy that we helped small traders.”

Their followers even encouraged them to hunt suhoor, the pre-fasting meal that Muslims eat before fasting for the day.

“We went for our first-ever suhoor, went out at dawn … which we’ve never done before,” Ms Yoren said.

Ms Putri said the takjil and the food sold during suhoor were good.

“It was something — a new discovery,” she said.

Takjil sellers are happy with the trend as it helps with sales.(Kompas: Joy Andre T)

Trend sparked by sermon

The so-called takjil war started when Pastor Marcel Saerang of Tiberias Church in Jakarta made a joke during a regular Christian sermon about hunting takjil.

It was recorded by a member of his congregation and went viral on TikTok.

“Our religion is tolerant, but when it comes to takjil, we have to be first,” the pastor joked.

Pastor Saerang, who has more than 271,000 followers on Instagram, is famous for sermons that focus on topics relevant to the young.

Pastor Marcel Saerang’s sermon that joked about hunting takjil has been viewed millions of times on TikTok.(Supplied)

The clip of the sermon now has about 23.8 million views.

“Thank God the response was beautiful, sweet and amazing,” he told the ABC.

“Out of millions of comments there, all were supportive … so many witty comments and very soothing.”

Pastor Saerang said the takjil war showed “tolerance on the next level” in Indonesia, where religious freedom has been written into the constitution.

“Many people only understand tolerance as being respectful and letting others [practice],” he said.

“But with the takjil war, we are actually levelling up … We support and also become a part of a religious ceremony of our brothers and sisters whichever their religion is.”

The social media phenomenon had also led to him becoming friends with an Islamic scholar and internet personality, he said.

“I think that’s the real Indonesia,” he said.

“I really hope this relationship lasts because we, the religious leaders, can have a beautiful relationship, let alone the congregation. It will even be more beautiful.”

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AUKUS alliance considers defense collaboration with Japan


AUKUS alliance considers defense collaboration with Japan

Washington/Tokyo/Sydney (EFE) – The AUKUS defense alliance of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States is considering including Japan in some military projects, which would reinforce the initiatives of the group to counter China’s military pressure in Asia, the US Department of Defense reported on Monday.

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“Recognizing Japan’s strengths and its close bilateral defense partnerships with all three countries, we are considering cooperation with Japan on AUKUS Pillar 2 advanced capability projects,” the United States’ Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said in a press briefing.

The Japanese government on Tuesday welcomed its possible inclusion in the pact’s technological aspects.

Defense Minister Minoru Kihara said at a press conference that Japan recognizes the importance of AUKUS, and will carry out the necessary measures to strengthen defensive capabilities.

The minister also highlighted the importance of the alliance for “peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific region.”

In Sydney, Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told reporters that “Japan is a natural candidate” for collaboration with the alliance.

Japan is already part of the Quad security group, which includes the US, Australia and India.

“We’ve already stepped up our defense relationship with Japan … But when we look at Pillar II, the project-by-project approach is there,” he said.

However, Albanese ruled out adding Japan to the alliance, saying “what is not proposed is to expand the membership of AUKUS.”

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FILE PHOTO : Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. PHOTO : EFE-EPA FILE

The group’s announcement coincides with the US state visit of Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, which will be focused on defense cooperation and reinforcing this strategic alliance in the face of China’s expansion in its Asian area of influence.

On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden will meet with Kishida and on Thursday he will receive the Philippines’ President Ferdinand Marcos. The three leaders will hold a trilateral meeting focused on counteracting China’s military strength in neighboring waters and bordering the economic zones of both countries.

The alliance on Monday also reported progress in its plans to reinforce Australia’s defense with nuclear submarines, a project for which they have chosen the companies BAE Systems and ASC Pty.

The defense ministers of the three nations – Lloyd Austin (US), Grant Shapps (UK) and Richard Marles (Australia) – issued a joint statement in which they celebrated the progress of the first year aiming to provide Australia with nuclear-powered submarines.

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“Our three countries seek to maximize the strategic benefits of the AUKUS partnership to support security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. Australia’s acquisition of a conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarine capability is a necessary response to the rapidly evolving strategic environment,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

Since the end of World War II, Japan has limited its weapons development to the defensive capabilities of its territory, but it maintains an advanced defense industry and has very close cooperation with the US.

Meanwhile, China is expanding its reach in the waters of the South China Sea and around Taiwan, raising tensions with its neighbors.

The AUKUS pact, signed in 2021 and considered by China as a threat to regional stability, includes the acquisition and development of nuclear-powered submarines for Australia and aims to reinforce the strategic presence of its partners in the Indo-Pacific region.

In this region rich in resources and through which most of the world’s trade passes, several conflicts and areas in territorial disputes with Beijing remain active, such as in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. EFE

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Australia PM Anthony Albanese urges Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu to avoid Rafah invasion


Australia PM Anthony Albanese urges Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu to avoid Rafah invasion

Sydney, AUSTRALIA (EFE/DT) – Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Tuesday that he had asked his Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, to avoid a ground invasion of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip due to the humanitarian consequences on thousands of displaced Palestinians.

“I have directly put to Prime Minister Netanyahu Australia’s concern about a ground invasion of Rafah,” Albanese said at a press conference.

 The international community has urged Israel to avoid an invasion of Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have fled during the war.

READ MORE : AUKUS alliance considers defense collaboration with Japan

The Australian leader spoke on the telephone with Netanyahu last week following the killing of seven aid workers of the nonprofit World Central Kitchen in Gaza, including an Australian, during an Israeli airstrike.

Since then, Canberra has stepped up pressure on the Israeli authorities.

“The consequences that would be there for the civilian population who, of course, were told in Gaza to go south from the north to the center, were then told to go to the center to the south, and are now confronting a potential ground invasion there,” Albanese said on public broadcaster ABC.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaks during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. (ABC News: Nick Haggarty)

The last conversation between Mr Albanese and Mr Netanyahu was last week, after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched a deadly air strike on an aid convoy, claiming seven lives.

“We’re very concerned about the humanitarian consequences, as are like-minded countries including the United States,” he added.

On Monday, Netanyahu said that there was already a “date” for the Israeli invasion of Rafah.

“This victory requires entry into Rafah and the elimination of the terrorist battalions there. It will happen – there is a date,” he said in a video message without specifying for when the invasion was planned.

Israel declared war on Hamas in Gaza following an attack in southern Israeli towns on Oct. 7 by the Islamist group.

Hamas killed at least 1,200 people during the attack, while the Israeli military’s brutal response has claimed the lives of more than 32,620 civilians in Gaza, including 13,000 children.

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Liverpool slip to second despite Salah salvaging draw against Man United


Liverpool slip to second despite Salah salvaging draw against Man United

Sports Desk (EFE) – Mohamed Salah became the first visitor to score in four consecutive games at Old Trafford, but that could help Liverpool only avoid a defeat in the English Premier League against their arch-foes Manchester United on Sunday.

The 2-2 draw in Manchester threw the league further open, relegating Liverpool to second place and keeping Arsenal on top of the table on goal difference, with both teams securing 71 points from 31 matches.

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Holders Manchester City, winners against Crystal Palace 2-4 in the game week, remain hot on the heels with 70 points from an equal number of matches, keeping all three contenders still optimistic about their chances.

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Tottenham Hotspurs took advantage of Aston Villa’s 3-3 draw against Brentford to leapfrog the Birmingham side into the fourth Champions League qualification spot with a 3-1 win against Nottingham Forest.

In the game week, all eyes were on Old Trafford, where United started bright but faded soon to allow Liverpool to control the first half and lead 1-0 at the break thanks to Luis Diaz’s 23rd-minute strike.

Andy Robertson delivered the corner to the head of Darwin Nunez for a flick over the heads of defenders towards Diaz, who, unguarded at the back, stabbed home from close range.

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Nottingham Forest goalkeeper Matz Sels concedes the 1-0 lead deflected off of teammate Murillo (R) during the English Premier League soccer match between Tottenham Hotspur and Nottingham Forest in London, Britain, 07 April 2024. EFE-EPA/ANDY RAIN EDITORIAL USE ONL

United, who had an early goal from Alejandro Garnacho ruled out for offside, returned stronger in the second half as Bruno Fernandes equalized with an audacious strike from halfway after receiving a misplaced pass from Jarell Quansah.

United were soon in the lead after 18-year-old Kobbie Mainoo struck into the top corner with a curling effort from inside the box that put the hosts on course for a shock win, only for Salah to dampen their celebrations with his late penalty.

Six minutes from time, Wan-Bissaka went to the ground in an attempt to steal the ball away from substitute Harvey Elliott inside the box, and the referee immediately pointed to the spot.

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Manchester United’s Kobbie Mainoo (L) and Liverpool’s Alexis Mac Allister (R) of in action during the English Premier League soccer match between Manchester United and Liverpool FC in Manchester, Britain, 07 April 2024. EFE-EPA/ADAM VAUGHAN EDITORIAL USE ONLY

Salah drew Liverpool level, coolly converting the goal.

“We got the penalty and scored an equalizer—and could have scored more before or after,” said Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp.

“Two-two, I am not over the moon about it, I don’t think it’s the best result I’ve ever seen, but I am fine.”

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Players of Tottenham celebrate after Micky van de Ven (C) scored the 2-1 lead during the English Premier League soccer match between Manchester United and Liverpool FC in Manchester, Britain, 07 April 2024. EFE-EPA/ADAM VAUGHAN EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In London, Tottenham took the lead courtesy of a Murillo own goal with just 15 minutes gone but were pegged back after Chris Wood equalized for Forest by converting Anthony Elanga’s cross in the 27th minute.

But a strong showing in the second half secured Tottenham a win as defensive duo Micky van de Ven and Pedro Porro scored for the side.

Chelsea were held to a 2-2 draw by bottom side Sheffield United as Oli McBurnie scored an equalizer in added time after Jayden Bogle canceled out Thiago Silva’s goal and Noni Madueke put the visitors ahead again. EFE

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Progress in Gaza truce talks, says Egyptian media


Progress in Gaza truce talks, says Egyptian media

Cairo, EGYPT (EFE) – Talks for a ceasefire in the war-ravaged Gaza Strip have made “significant progress” in Cairo, and all parties have reached a consensus on many basic but contentious points, Egypt’s state-affiliated Al-Qahera News reported on Monday.

Citing a high-ranking Egyptian source close to the intelligence services, Al-Qahera News stated that the fresh round of negotiations has brought differing viewpoints closer.

READ MORE : Israel and Hamas dig in as international pressure builds for a cease-fire in Gaza

According to the report, all parties have agreed on “many controversial points.”

The development follows Israel and Hamas sending their negotiators to Egypt on Sunday for fresh talks on a potential ceasefire to pause the devastating war that has raged for the last six months.

Mossad head Didi Barnea and CIA chief Bill Burns were also in Cairo to meet with their Egyptian and Qatari counterparts.

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A protestor holds a placard with a picture of deceased hostage, Elad Katzir, outside the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 April 2024. EFE-EPA/ABIR SULTAN

The Hamas and Qatari delegations have reportedly left Cairo, with plans to return in two days to finalize the terms of a final agreement.

Al-Qahera News indicated that negotiations would continue over the next 48 hours, coinciding with the beginning of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting.

The latest round of negotiations, conducted in complete secrecy, occurred Sunday night in Egypt.

Efforts have been underway since before Ramadan to reach a ceasefire agreement, involving a cessation of hostilities and an exchange of Israeli hostages in Gaza for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. However, all attempts have failed thus far.

The current proposal under negotiation could lead to a six-week ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, along with the release of 40 hostages held by Hamas, including female soldiers, men over 50, and others with serious medical conditions.

In exchange, Israel would release 700 Palestinian prisoners, as reported by American and Israeli media.

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People protest outside the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 April 2024. EFE-EPA/ABIR SULTAN

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated on Sunday that there would be no ceasefire agreement unless the 133 hostages still held by Hamas are returned home.

He said that Israel would not yield to the “extreme demands” of the Islamists.

Large-scale anti-government demonstrations have rocked Israel, with activists and some relatives of the hostages demanding the government call for a ceasefire and ensure the safe return of captives.

They hold Netanyahu responsible, accusing him of prioritizing his political survival over the safe return of their loved ones.

As the war enters its seventh month, the Palestinian death toll in the strip has surpassed 33,100, with some even dying from hunger.

The number of wounded has reached nearly 76,000, with more than 7,000 bodies estimated to be buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed in Israeli bombings.

Israeli forces have reported 257 combat casualties in the enclave.

Since Oct. 7, over 600 soldiers have died, with the majority during Hamas’ attack on Israeli territory, resulting in approximately 1,200 deaths and more than 250 hostages.

Until now, Hamas and Israel have reached only one ceasefire agreement in the last nearly six months of war.

The truce lasted for a week in November and allowed for the exchange of 105 hostages for 240 Palestinian prisoners. EFE

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